1 the mountain maple, Acer spicatum, found in Canada from Saskatchewan eastward to Newfoundland.
1774  (1945)  This town . . . affords a great store of fine timber . . . white and black ash; white mapple; rock mapple (a very fine wood for household furniture). . . .
1861  Acerines or Maples, include . . . the White Maple, whose wood is soft and little esteemed; and the Striped Maple or Moose Wood.
1959  Mountain maple [is also called] white maple, dwarf maple.
2 the silver maple, Acer saccharinum.
1899  White or Silver Maple. Leaves very deeply 5-lobed with the sinuses rather acute, silver-white (and when young downy) underneath. . . . River banks; N.B., Q. and Ont.; most common southward and westward.
1959  Silver maple [is also called] white maple. . . .